Posts Tagged ‘Health Care’

AndIThoughT© ……… About Healthcare #6

President Obama is now onto the next few items on the agenda. He is thinking about the Sustained Growth and Shared Prosperity. While doing that he is  also touring the country to sell the Healthcare Insurance Reform Legislation he  just signed into law.  First stop Iowa City, Iowa. He told an enthusiastic crowd that this is  a  common sense legislation. The crowd responded with “yes we can”.

The Republicans have not given up on it yet. They continued to force the Democrats to pass the bill in the House one more time, hoping to kill it.    The stiff opposition  of this bill by the Republicans have led the Democrats to dare them to fight the November elections on this issue.

AndIThoughT© …….. that Republicans may be missing out on the participation of a history making event. They may never be able to associate themselves with this legislation which may become a landmark legislation in shaping the future healthcare policies  of the nation.  AndIWondeR© …….. what the american people are going to think in a decade or so  from now, when this legislation will be in full force like the Social Security and the Medicare . They might  be saying, what were the Republicans thinking.

AndThenIThoughT© ……..that the debate over Healthcare has brought out some of the sharpest differences between the two parties. During the debate the political temperature has risen some. Some Republicans are promising to repeal this legislation. AndNowIWonder© …….. if that is still a possibility. The President dares them to  “Go for it“.




Posted by Saba Rahman - March 25, 2010 at 10:31 am

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