Posts Tagged ‘Building Codes’

AndIThoughT© …….. Earthquake in Haiti #1

AndIThoughT© ……….

The news and images from port-au-prince in the aftermath of the earth quake were horrifying to say the least.   The current casualty count is reaching quarter million plus. The carnage left behind  is a disaster of mammoth proportion. The enormity of the destruction, left the government and social networks in paralysis…..and rendered them incapable.  ……… US troops on the ground and the ships in the area are doing their part to help bring some normalcy in the lives of Haitian people. The international community thru lot of international organizations, NGOs and UN agencies are complementing the relief work…………. It is a massive effort.

It will take a long time for the port-au-prince to come back to some sort of normalcy. Haitian people are still struggling. The food and reasonable shelter is still a major issue. The hundreds of millions

Courtesy USGS

of dollars in aid is trickling in. Logistics on the ground are being put in place to provide the food, shelter and medical needs.

We seem to go from one disaster to the next. The Katrina, the Tsunami-2004 and now this.  Some of the impact of these natural disasters can be averted by planning ahead. Would the loss of life be much less if there was a building code in force in port-au-prince? Would that have made the  magnitude of the disaster, not so overwhelming? Possibly yes.

AndThenIThoughT© …………

Should the UN, US, EU, AU, SAARC and other population centers individually and collectively start evaluating vulnerabilities of different areas and plan for the response? Should the humanitarian aid be made available to rectify the problems before a disaster strikes?

Your thoughts !!!




Posted by Saba Rahman - February 12, 2010 at 6:01 pm

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